We will be having our next meeting Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 7PM in the Dogwood Room, in the University Center. Talk in will be on the club repeater, K4WCU 444.975+ 131.8. We will also be available by phone – (828) 515-1426 (or 5151-HAM).
We are still attempting to give away a free testing session, by raffle! (No Entry Cost- just promise us you will study) We will be giving these opportunities to members and listeners who check into our weekly nets, Tuesdays at 8PM on the 444.700 Repeater.
As for a program following the business portion of the meeting, we will be following up on the balloon launch that took place October 13, 2012. The launch was very successful! Thanks to all those who participated by chase team, radio, phone, email, and all others.
Hope to see you all there!