Welcome to the W3WDD Homepage!!

    My Name is Daniel. I am a student here at Western Carolina University.  You may hear me on the air in Wake (Reflector 9210 IRLP) and Jackson  (Node 4397/8755 IRLP) Counties. Some organizations I would be affiliated with  include the ARRL, Haywood County Amateur Radio Club, Raleigh Amateur Radio Socierty, Franklin Amateur Radio Club, Wetern Carolina Amateur Radio Society, Western Carolina University Amateur Radio Club, and the Triangle East Amateur Radio Association (TEARA).

    I aquired my license as KJ4LKG back in April 2009, and have since changed it to W3WDD, in memory of my Grandfather who held the license W3WZN. His call sign is currently licensed to my father.
    I more recently (April 2012) picked up an IRLP Node! at the Raleigh Hamfest. With the blessing of Russ Crisp, K4RCC, it serves Jackson County on the 444.700, K4RCC Repeater. The node is open and free for use, However I ask that each user adhere to the courtesy guidelines, Do's and Don'ts, setup on IRLP.net. My Node number is 8755, so give us a shout! The monitor below will show it's current status, and so far I've had a blast toying around with the system it runs on.

    I have enjoyed learning about and getting to know the Amateur Radio Community and help out where I can. I largely collect used Motorola Commercial equipment, as well as preform my own programming for them. I have also distributed my equipment to several of my friends to get them on the air. I am happy to bring my knowledge to other and anyone who is interested in getting on the air and obtaining their license!

Hope to see you on the waves soon,

P.S. -Interested in Amateur Radio but don't know where or how to get started? send me an email, or shoot over to ARRL.org and look for testing sessions or local clubs.